Accident Benefits

accident benefits

Even with excellent health care, an accident can require expensive treatments, tests, therapies, and other services. This benefit pays if you experience one of the covered accidents.

You can't always prevent an accident, but this benefit allows you to prepare for one.

Accident Benefit Features

Accident benefits can help maintain your financial stability by providing a payment when you or a covered family member experiences one of the more than 150 covered events. Included features:

  • Basic plan or platinum plan options
  • Both plans cover the same accidents, but the platinum plan pays a higher benefit
  • Pays a lump sum paid directly to you
  • Includes benefit for accidental death
  • Death benefit pays $25,000 under the basic plan and $50,000 under the platinum plan
  • Death benefit triples if it occurs by common carriers such as public transportation

Download a printable summary of the plan:

Watch this video for a quick overview of accident benefits!


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Answers to your questions

Questions? We have answers! Here are your most frequent accident questions.

Q: How does the plan work?

A: For each covered accident, a lump-sum payment is made directly to you, not your doctor. Spend the money how you choose.

Accident benefits are not a substitute for medical coverage. It can be held concurrently, complementing your other plans. Receiving a benefit from one will not interfere with the other.

Q: Who is eligible?

A: As long as the policyholder is actively employed, the employee, spouse, and eligible dependents up to age 26 are guaranteed coverage. No medical exam is necessary.

The payable benefit reduces by 25% at age 65-69 and 50% at age 70+.

Q: What is covered?

A: Accidents are paid up to the benefit level. There is coverage for over 150 events, including:

  • Fractures and dislocations
  • 2nd or 3rd-degree burns
  • Cuts, laceration, skin graft
  • Torn knee cartilage
  • Ruptured disc
  • Concussions or coma
  • Eye injuries
  • Broken teeth

Q: What is "treated by?"

A: Covered accidents must be treated by one of the methods listed below to receive the benefit payment:

  • Ambulance
  • Emergency care
  • In or outpatient surgery
  • Medical testing, including x-ray, MRI, or CT scan
  • Physician follow-up visits
  • Transportation
  • Home modifications
  • Therapy, including physical, speech, or occupational

Q: What is not covered?

A: The plan will not provide benefits for self-inflicted injury or death, accidents caused by medication, injuries related to war or terrorist acts, food poisoning, accidents while intoxicated, mental illness, air travel, or extreme sports such as bungee jumping.

Q: Will I receive an ID card?

A: No. Since you won't need to present your coverage to any medical providers, you do not need an ID card for this benefit.

Q: What if my employment ends?

A: You can take this benefit with you if your employment ends.

The group-discounted amount you pay through your company may differ from your individual cost. Payment and continuation of benefits are your responsibility after employment ends, arranged directly with MetLife.

Q: How do I make a claim?

A: When you receive a diagnosis for a covered accident, simply complete and submit a claim form.

A lump-sum payment is made directly to you for each covered event, not to a doctor or hospital. You can spend the money however you choose.

Elevate by Nextep app = easy street!

The Elevate by Nextep app makes it easy to manage your benefits! Get access anytime, anywhere, on any device.

  • Visit benefit carriers with one simple sign-in
  • View paycheck deductions
  • Complete open enrollment
  • Change your retirement withholding and check your balance
  • View and present insurance cards at the doctor's office
  • Review dependent and deductible info

Download it today to manage benefits on the go, right from your phone!

Download in the App Store  Get it on Google Play

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We have answers!

Here's how to get quick, personalized help from Nextep's experts:

  • From your Elevate by Nextep account, visit the Help tab.
  • Call 888-811-5150.
  • Or, click the button below to submit your question to our help desk!


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