poster order

Nextep is happy to provide labor posters for you, either in the form of a free printable PDF or a full-size printed poster. Each printed poster is $30 (delivery included) and comes with all required federal and state regulations to keep you compliant.

By law, every employer must display an up-to-date labor law poster in the workplace or make it available for employees to view. If you have remote employees, making the digital PDF poster available to them will suffice.

Do you need a printable download of your state's labor poster? You can download them free here!

We're here to help! Please contact us at 888-811-5150 or with any questions.

The cost is $30 per poster, free delivery, deducted as a line item on your payroll invoice. If ordering for Texas, please see the information at the bottom of this form and note which options you wish to order.

Please type info about your poster order here. Include state(s), location addresses, and quantities and languages needed. You may also email or call 888-811-5150 for one-on-one assistance.

If Ordering for Texas Locations:

As of January 1, 2016, Texas citizens have the right to openly carry handguns in visible holsters on their hips and shoulders in the same locations they would be allowed to carry concealed handguns.

This law may present a safety concern for employers. To prevent workplace violence, many employers prohibit all guns on their premises. As long as they are prominently communicated in English and Spanish, these workplace policies may supersede Texas' open and concealed carry laws, allowing workplaces to set policies to prohibit firearms on the premises completely.

To restrict open and concealed handguns in the workplace, Nextep requires our clients to post both of these following posters in each work-site location:

  • Concealed Carry Restriction (30.06): Prohibits concealed carry
  • Open Carry Restriction (30.07): Prohibits open carry

Due to the state mandated size requirements, there are no free downloadable options available. Posters are available for purchase at $15.25 each, either directly through a poster vendor or via Nextep.

Some types of business are automatically exempt from the open carry law. Firearms may not be carried, openly or concealed, by the general public in churches, schools, jails, hospitals, and establishments where alcohol comprises the majority of revenue.

Nextep, Inc.  |  |  1800 N. Interstate Dr., Norman, OK 73072  |  888-811-5150