Introducing Elevate by Nextep!
We're upgrading the Nextep account and developing a new app! This new experience gives employees instant access to pay stubs, tax documents, benefits info, and more. And as always, employees will be able to access their accounts on all their favorite devices, including on desktop, laptop, iPad, and mobile phone.
Get a quick overview of some upgrades coming soon to the employee Nextep accounts and our new mobile app!
And administrators, we haven't forgotten about you! This release is focused squarely on the employee experience, and our expert developers will work on bringing upgrades to administrator layouts next.

See Your Info at a Glance
We're making improvements from the very moment you login. With Elevate by Nextep, employees will be able to easily access their latest pay, benefits, and time and attendance information right from the home screen! Upgrades to the dashboard include:
- Click directly into your latest and previous pay stubs
- Quick links to your benefits, including an overview of costs, covered members, and ID cards
- PTO balance display
- Access your basic information, including pay, title, and address

Pay Information

Your Pay on Your Terms
With Elevate by Nextep, employees can more easily access and edit pay information, direct deposit accounts, and paystubs!
- Get to your paycheck info with fewer clicks
- Easily download your paystubs
- Visual display of net pay, deductions, and taxes
- Quick view and edit of your latest paystub, holiday savings balance and deductions, and direct deposit accounts
- Update your tax withholding status from your pay dashboard

Your Health in Your Hands
The Elevate by Nextep experience makes benefits even more accessible for employees. All of your benefits are visible at a glance, with the ability to easily drill in for more details.
- Quick view of coverage levels and covered members for each plan
- See your costs for each plan right on your benefits dashboard
- Easy access to view and present digital ID cards
- Benefits carriers and coverage start dates

Your Profile

Manage Your Info
We're bringing more power to your profile. Your Elevate experience lets you see and edit your info with ease.
- Quick access to view and edit your personal info
- Edit your email, phone number, and address
- Edit your dependents
- Quick view of your hire date, pay rate, title, and annual salary

Strong security, easy access
We take security seriously. Your personal information is safeguarded behind multiple layers of protection. And now, you'll have even easier access to your multi-factor authentication (MFA).
- Verify your identity when logging in
- In the app, add biometric authentication
- Intuitively add MFA methods in fewer steps
- Access and edit your security setup right from the Settings widget

We have answers!
Simply click the button below to get access to our experts, your own way. We're here to help and look forward to hearing from you!